
Ashley Ward

  • Safety & Health
  • People


Mountain West Division

A Safety Superstar

Ashley Ward gladly acknowledges that he’s obsessed with safety.

“My purpose in life at Vulcan is just to make the company as best as possible,” said Ward, a Logistics Safety Specialist. “My mission is to each and every day make sure everyone returns home to their family safely.”

Vulcan takes pride in recognizing their safety superstars, like Ward, who conducts audits and compliance reviews for commercial vehicles in our Western Division in Arizona.

For Ward, Vulcan’s company-wide commitment to safety throughout the workplace makes his job easier.

“Safety is everything,” said Ward. “If you come to work and you don’t have that buy in through safety, you can hurt yourself or someone else.” 

With the Vulcan logo branded on his personal protective equipment (PPE), Ward literally wears his commitment on his sleeve.

 “I feel happy representing it,” Ward explained. “I have no problem representing my safety vest, my hard hat, everything.”

Ashley Ward is a Logistics Safety Specialist at Vulcan.